Sunday, January 31, 2010


Native birch on the left and a volunteer (probably european) on the right

Bird in the birch tree


The Willamette

Pricker bush on the path at Willamette View Manor

Jan, Mom and Bryn

Reflected orchids. Mom's view north


Water tower at the Edgefield

The Edgefield is a huge complex of buildings and grounds (the former county poor farm) that was taken over by the McMenamin brothers and turned into a collection of resturants, pubs and bars. It also has a hotel. We went to dinner there at the Black Rabbit to celebrate Jonathan's retirement.

Leaving the Black Rabbit after dinner

Face on the bend at the Edgefield

Monday, January 25, 2010


Bed by Robert Rauschenberg. 1955


This giant sycamore has perhaps 5 massive trunks and large cables have been tied through them and connecting them, opposite to opposite to hold it from splitting apart. I walk by it most every day and marvel.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Rainbow over Portland

Looking north towards downtown Portland from the nature path along the Willamette river at my mother's retirement complex. Notice how much lighter the sky appears below the rainbow, a well documented phenomenon.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Looking down at Freddy's

Blue bird



Looking in ...

Can on the way home

Portland city water meter

Spot 7

Glencoe substation on the way home

Inadvertent sleeve


Leaf on the way home

Small planet

Moss edge

Parking strip near school

Parking strip

Stepping into the street we find... a primitive doll??