Monday, May 30, 2011

Trip on the Portland Spirit

We had a nice lunch below deck (next to a large window) on the way down the Willamette and then climbed to the top deck to enjoy the return trip. Here we are approaching  the cliff face opposite Elk Rock Island.

Just past Elk Rock Island on the left, straight ahead is the place where my Mom lives.

Turning around at Elk Rock Island, before heading back to downtown Portland

Past a fisherman who had just caught a chinook salmon!

Jan and Cynthia opposite the old pumping station (turned into a palatial home)

Wisteria climbing up into a tree on the bank.

Houseboats line the west bank as we move down river to Portland.

Jan and Cynthia looking for eagle's nest on Ross Island.

Oregon Museum of Science and Industry with the de-commissioned Navy sub "Bluefin" (I think that's the name)

Heading under the Markham bridge (I-5) opposite OMSI

Passing through downtown...

Off the boat and headed back to the car.

Ferns on the wall at the Rhododendron Test Gardens

Looking back at the entrance

Carpet of blossoms

The fountain.

Cynthia and a rhody

Canadian geese at the Test Gardens

Rhododendron Test Gardens

Cynthia at the Rhododendron Gardens

Jan at the wheel

Looking west

From the parking garage roof downtown.

Jan and Cynthia at Jake's Grill





Cynthia and Jan at the Crystal Springs Rhododendron Test Gardens

Children's section at the Multnomah County Library

Friday, May 6, 2011

Terry winding coils and the finished product

 Five coils (Two for the horizontal seismometers (N-S, E-W) and one for the vertical, plus two extras for the two vertical seismometers at school). Note that one of the extra's is made, not from phenolic resin circuit board, but from scraps of bakelite, a dark brown plastic invented in the early part of the 20th century!

Dogs at the Littlewood's House

 Sally "the guest"


 Murphy curious.

One of Murphy's best sides.

Four Horsepersons of May Day