Sunday, March 30, 2014

Neskowin finale

 Oh the colors!
 The boxes that we assembled, plus the photograph that Jan got me for my birthday.

 Last evening clouds
 Bryn's third attempt at knitting a hat
 What is that bright object??

 Sunday morning, packed and then we walked down to the Hawk Creek Cafe for breakfast. This a cabin that we all liked.
 The road to the cafe
 Hawk Creek, with just a bit of the cafe on the left
 Interesting yard ornamentation

 Spruce trees on the walk back to the Breakers
 Unit #4. It was a good time!
 Jan returns the unused materials to the beach.
 Bryn says her good byes

The end.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Neskowin Saturday afternoon

 Last night Bryn lit a fire in the fireplace! (We don't usually light the prepared fire at all!) But Bryn likes building fires. Apparently something she learned and enjoyed from her years counseling at Outdoor School!)
It was fun, but it was fir and burned up in seconds.. or seemed like seconds. (Bryn prides herself on creating fires that only leave ashes! No left over chunks of charred wood.
Raining outside. Look it's a tulip!
Heavy seas!  Hoping you all are having a "Prosperous Voyage". (obscure classical music reference)
I'm reading about William Shakespeare so everything is Elizabethan right now.
Yeah, yeah shadow play in the sand.

We have been able to get outside every day that we have been here! Big raspberry in the general direction of the weather man and his rain, rain, rain, rain forecast!
Snake stick.  OK I have a thing about abraded objects. All the materials that I collect at the beach are sand blasted!

Jan and Bryn w/stick

Sea serpent

So these are filtered one way and later versions are filtered ..not so much

Bryn, beach scavanger

Spruce trees and phone pole
Every year we collect some water and pebbles from the Neskowin beach to take home and put on our kitchen window sill. First I have to dump out last years seawater that has grown green algae.

Unknown lab ... no wait I petted that fellow!...  (Bryn always wants me to grow a beard)

A great time this year at the Breakers. Miss our friends S & J though. Perhaps when Sarah retires our schedules will coincide.